November 2021: Public Presentation on the Subject of Media Trust

In her lecture „Journalistinnen und Journalisten und ihr Publikum: Enttäuschte Erwartungen als Ursache schwindenden Medienvertrauens?“ (Journalists and their Audiences: Disappointed Expectations as a Cause of Dwindling Media Trust?) at Adult Education Center / Volkshochschule Chemnitz, Nicole Podschuweit, Interim Professor at Chemnitz University of Technology, will present findings from the project to a wider audience on November 30, 2021. After the lecture, the audience will have the opportunity to discuss to what extent the disappointment of mutual expectations of journalists and their audiences might be a possible cause for the breakdown of journalism-audience relationships. The lecture is part of the project “trau.schau.wem? faktenfest und mediensicher“, which is funded by the Media Authority of Saxony.