July 2022: Master’s Thesis on Young People’s Expectations regarding the Quality of Journalistic Content

With a master’s thesis related to the joint project, our former student assistant Johanna Wolleschensky successfully completed her master’s degree at the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Erfurt. For her thesis on “The Quality of Journalistic Information in Social Media from the Perspective of Adolescents” she received the highest grade (first examiner: PD Dr. Nicole Podschuweit, University of Erfurt; second examiner: Dr. Claudia Lampert, Hans Bredow Institute, Hamburg). Johanna Wolleschensky used stimulus-based guided interviews to investigate what young people understand by “journalism” and what general expectations they have of the quality of journalistic offerings in general and of journalistic information on Instragram in particular. We warmly congratulate Johanna Wolleschensky on her outstanding achievement and wish her all the best in her new position as a research associate at the Department of Journalism at the Bundeswehr University Munich. It was and is a pleasure for us to work with her!