May 2021: Launch of the Joint Project

On May 1, 2021, the joint project „Journalist*innen und ihr Publikum im digitalen Zeitalter. Wechselseitige Erwartungen und ihre Folgen für Journalismus-Publikums-Beziehungen und öffentliche Meinungsbildung“ (Journalists and their Audience in the Digital Age. Mutual Expectations and Their Consequences for Journalism-Audience Relations and Public Opinion Formation) was launched. The universities of Münster (subproject leader and coordinator: Assistant Professor Dr. Helena Stehle), Erfurt (subproject leader: PD Dr. Nicole Podschuweit) and Tübingen (subproject leader: Dr. Hanne Detel) are partners in the project. External consultant will be Assistant Professor Dr. Claudia Wilhelm (University of Vienna). The funding period spans three years from May 2021 to April 2024. The project launch was accompanied by publications in several media channels.

Press releases on the project launch:
University of Erfurt
University of Münster
University of Tübingen