January 2023: Project Team Represented With Four Presentations at ICA23

The project achieved great success with regard to the 73rd Annual International Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in 2023 under the title theme “Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication”. A total of four submissions out of the research project were accepted for presentation in Toronto.

Under the presentation title “The Impact of Mutual Interaction Expectations on Journalist-Audience Relations in Digital Media Contexts: An Exploratory Study”, Dr. Hanne Detel will present the results of qualitative guided interviews with journalists and audience members on their mutual expectations in a case study design for the project. Dr. Bernadette Uth, representing the project team, presents a theoretical literature review of existing conceptualisations of the journalism-audience relationship in digital contexts in the lecture “The Journalism-Audience Relationship in Digital Media Environments: A Theoretical Literature Review”. PD Dr. Nicole Podschuweit’s presentation “Mutual Interaction Expectations and Consequences of Expectancy Violations in the Journalism-Audience Relationship: A Systematic Literature Review” is dedicated to the results of a systematic literature review on expectancy violations in journalism-audience interactions. Ass.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Wilhelm and Dr. Hanne Detel will present a framework for future research on expectations in journalistic contexts under the title “Towards a Framework for Studying Expectations in Journalistic Contexts: A Taxonomy for Expectancy Research”.

We look forward to an interesting exchange in Toronto!

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